Learning Hub
Our website hosts a source of information on gorse, control measures, case studies, and how your community can work with the VGT to establish a community-led program.
Gain a virtual insight
Explore the Virtual Extension Officer, a new interactive tool designed to help you manage 3 of Victoria’s worst invasive species – gorse, serrated tussock and rabbits.

An Introduction to Gorse
Learn about basic gorse biology, its distribution in Victoria and impacts. Understand your statutory obligations and learn key principles to best manage gorse on your property.

Virtual Demonstration Field Day
Looking for a control method that’s right for you? Check out our control demonstrations and learn about the 5 key components that you need to consider before you start.

Gorse and the Science
Listen to Associate Professor John Morgan from La Trobe University speak about gorse. Learn why this species is so successful in dominating our landscape.

Gorse and the Farm
Overcoming gorse in Captains Creek. Peter and Christine Forster share their story.

Gorse and Fire
Listen to CFA Operations Officer Lindsay Barry talk about gorse associated fire risks.

Gorse and Property Values
Listen to Sean Simpson from Elders talk about how and why gorse can devalue your property.

Gorse and Feral Animals
Listen to Geoff Morris from Field and Game Association explain why gorse is a preferred harbour for feral animals.

Michaela’s Story
Taking over the family farm and the 15 acres of dense gorse. Michaela shares her gorse control story.

Michaela’s Story: Part 2 – Follow Up Control
Thirteen months after her primary control, Michaela undertakes her follow-up control and highlights the improvements to her property.

Cut and Paint
A low cost and effective control option, best suited for small isolated infestations.

Foliar Spraying
Learn about two different types of spray methods for controlling gorse.

A mechanical control option best suited for medium to large gorse infestations.

Alternative control methods
Five methods of control that don’t require the use of herbicides or heavy machinery.

Working with neighbours
Working together with your neighbours is key to managing gorse long term.
Community Announcements
Gorse is a generational problem
Gorse seeds are prolific and viable for decades. The time to act is now.
If you have Gorse
Know what you are risking if you have gorse on your property.
VGT Commercial
Keeping our lands gorse-free

2022/23 Progress Report
Learn about our annual gorse achievements. In every project we aim to encourage community led action, build capacity, share information and educate.

Dec’ 2023 Gorse Talk
Gorse Talk is the VGT’s newsletter highlighting our current activities and achievements.

Victorian Gorse Control Strategy
The VGT has developed this strategy to help secure the longer-term direction for gorse control in Victoria from 2021 to 2026.

VGT Best Practice Guide
Download the VGT Best Practice brochure for gorse growth patterns, optimum treatment times and the most effective control methods.

Identification Guide
Use this guide to help identify gorse, a declared noxious weed, from a selection of common Victorian native plants that have similar features.

Community Projects
Community-led gorse control projects have shown it’s possible to eradicate or substantially reduce gorse across local landscapes.

Gorse National Best Practice Guide
Download the Gorse National Best Practice Guide for management instructions and decision support tools.

ATO Fact Sheet for Primary Producers
Download the ATO factsheet on landcare and similar expenses for primary producers.

Gorse soft shoot moth
Biocontrol is useful when traditional control methods are not suitable. Download to learn more about the Gorse Soft Shoot Moth.

Controlling gorse along a waterway
A VGT and MW collaboration.
Waterways are a main source of gorse seed spread, download to learn what is at risk.
Waterways are a main source of gorse seed spread, download to learn what is at risk.

Gorse fire hazard resource
A VGT, CFA and LVI collaboration.
Learn about the features that make gorse a serious fire threat on your property. Know what control methods are available.
Learn about the features that make gorse a serious fire threat on your property. Know what control methods are available.
Useful links and contacts
- Agriculture Victoria
- Victorian Blackberry Taskforce
- Victorian Serrated Tussock Working Party
- Victorian Rabbit Action Network
- Victorian Landcare Gateway
- Catchment Management Authorities
- Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA)
- Parks Victoria
- Country Fire Authority
- Municipal Association of Victoria
- Regional Roads Victoria
- VicRoads
- VLine
- VicTrack
- Weeds Australia